
6×17 bench

I was walking around a local park and had my Reality So Subtle 6x17cm camera. It’s a super high quality pinhole camera that shoots super wide images with a curved film plane. It’s not a swing-lens camera, but the pinhole covers it all. There is a tiny bit of vignetting, but not a lot. I found this nice lady sitting on a park bench next to the lake and asked her if I could take her photo from behind, because I loved her hair. I really like the picture. As far as focus, I was a little too close. You […]

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Noblex at the Auto Graveyard

I’ve had this Noblex for a few years now. A 135U model that went to the Noblex spa at Noblex Canada in Vancouver to get its drive roller replaced. I also have a Horizon 202 and a borrowed Widelux F7, but the Noblex is really the gem of the swing-lens panoramic cameras that have been made in my opinion. These cameras made in Germany in the 1990s were designed to be a modern iteration of the Widelux. They are electronically-controlled and the drum spins a 360 degree circle vs. the ~140 degree arc that the Widelux and Horizon/Horizont use. These

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Classic Widelux photos

Had my borrowed Widelux F7 out one date with my favorite black and white film Kodak 5222 Double-X. This is the film that has been used for many, many years in the cinema industry for major BW films like Oppenheimer. These two were shot handheld. and are standard, Widelux/Noblex type of photos. A long subject with repeating patterns. The fence is my next door neighbor’s and the other is in front of a house about 6 blocks from me. I think both lent themselves to the Widelux.

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Apalachicola Day 4 – The Cemetery

Went to one of my favorite, non-urban places in town, the old cemetery on the north side of town. In the back, there are lots of very old trees and graves from the early 1900’s. There is this one particular gigantic Live Oak that is in the back that towered over the pathway. This is a 3 shot stitch and required quite a bit of straightening to get it right. It’s at least 60 feet wide, I would expect. The second photo is of an old concrete block building that is long abandoned sitting right next to a dept of

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Wide Angle Urban

Had the Noblex 135U out in Westfield, NJ in February for urban shooting, definitely my favorite type of photography right now. I really like this camera, but like all panoramas, you really have to be careful with your levels, so I have both an in-camera and a hot-shoe, 2-way level on the camera. I find that the best shots come from holding the camer at waist level where you can really get the level right or on a tripod. You also have to be very careful with fingers and side subjects given the 140 degree FOV. No tilting.

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A Foggy Day

It’s 12/31/22, New Year’s Eve, and I get up and I remark that the fog is real thick today, something VERY unusual here in North-Central New Jersey. It requires a cold front pushing ocean moisture up on top of us and some cool air leaking in to condense the copious amounts of water vapor in the air into fog. My wife says “You should go take photos of this”. I thought Yes, I should, because it will be gone in a flash. Well it wasn’t gone. It lasted many hours and I wish I had gone an hour or two

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Panorama Fountain – Noblex

I got a couple of nice photos on Seneca Lake with my Noblex 135 panoramic camera a few weeks ago. Delta 100 film shots. Required some multi-image scans and Ps compositing to hold detail in the fountain and the shadows both. These were taken on the Noblex 135U camera. I had to scan them twice, once for the shadows and once for the white fountain and blend them in Photoshop to get something usable. There was plenty of detail in both. There was a TON of white spots to fix, but the Photoshop Dust/Scratch filter handled most of that. I

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Martha’s Vineyard Oreo Cows at Sunset

Starting to go back through my old photos and pull out favorites that make me happy, it’s been far too long that the 110,000 photos on my computer are locked away. This one was a five-photo stitch taken in 2004 with an Olympus E-1 and the 11-22 2/8-3.5 lens at 11mm. 1/250 @ f/8.0 . Stitching was done with PTGui in Photoshop CS for Windows.

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