
Canon P and a 24mm at the Pond

So you’re out on an errand on a Saturday with no time to really spend, but you have a film camera with tilm in it and you start looking for a place to take a photo. It was still winter when I took these and I had a 1959 Canon P with the wonderful Chroma 24mm f/11 fixed focus fixed aperture lens. I took a bunch of photos with my favorite Kodak 5222 Double-X and developed it in HC110….actually Legacy Pro LC-110….in Dilution B. The sharpness of this lens is really good, but you do have to have decent light. […]

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220 pinhole

Sitting on Rt. 35 N around Keyport, just before you go into Atlantic Highlands is this building with the address 220. Boarded up, it looks like it was a garage at one time, them maybe a restaurant, as it has a walk-up window. I need to come back on a day with less harsh light. These all taken with my Reality So Subtle 6×6 pinhole camera on Fomapan 100

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Yummy pinhole

In Cranford, NJ on North Avenue there sits an ice cream shop that has undergone many names over the years. For the past few, it’s been called YUMMY. This changed recently, but not before I was able to go there and take some pinhole photos with my Reality So Subtle 6×6.

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Graveyard Portraits

Near Covington Ga, my family has owned a large plat of land for about 50 years. On that land is a 19th/20th century cemetery founded by the Cook family. There are about 30-40 graves there from the mid 1800’s to the early 1900’s. There are only a few well preserved and many of the larger stones have been either knocked down intentionally or fallen down of their own accord. There are mature trees on the site. There is a 5×5 stone pillered fence with very old, flat twisted barbed wire around it through holes drilled in the fence posts. I

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Square Pinhole at the NJ Shore

New Year’s Day 2024. I took a trip to the shore for a group shoot with the Essex Photo Club on NY Day, as is the club custom. We went to Asbury Park, NJ this year, which has a nice shore and boardwalk. It’s seen better days, but it’s also seen worse. The town has been through trials and tribulations and is slowly getting revitalized. The boardwalk was obviously redone, so it’s very new. We got there around 9:00, which is pretty early for New Year’s Day standards, so it was very quiet. I was using my new Reality So

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Noblex at the Auto Graveyard

I’ve had this Noblex for a few years now. A 135U model that went to the Noblex spa at Noblex Canada in Vancouver to get its drive roller replaced. I also have a Horizon 202 and a borrowed Widelux F7, but the Noblex is really the gem of the swing-lens panoramic cameras that have been made in my opinion. These cameras made in Germany in the 1990s were designed to be a modern iteration of the Widelux. They are electronically-controlled and the drum spins a 360 degree circle vs. the ~140 degree arc that the Widelux and Horizon/Horizont use. These

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6×6 with the LC-A 120

Had the lightweight, plastic-fantastic Lomo LC-A 120 out in Boston a few weeks ago and this is rapidly becoming a favorite camera of mine. Yes, I would love a Hasselblad SWC, but I don’t have $2,000+ burning a hole in my pocket. The LCA120 (Yes, I know that not the exact name, but I like it) is one of those cameras you need to understand. It’s got ASA from 100-1600, IIRR and no intermediate speeds. No SS or Aperture control. 4-zone focus. The exposure is a fixed program which seems to prioritize wider apertures as the light fails. So as

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Pinhole @ the Beach

Went to the beach in September and only took one camera aside from my phone, my little Chroma.Camera 35mm film pinhole camera. I’ve had mediocre results with this camera, but maybe I need to think differently about it. I took it down to the water in Sea Girt, NJ where the ocean shore has nice scenics. I focused on abstract, simple images like these, where I only took photos of the water and the surf. I decided to use Ilford Pan F+ film, which I hoped would help with fine detail. This is the result, at least the first of

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Meters in panorama

Not super photogenic, but I liked the scene taken in the panoramic format. This was taken with the Noblex 135U film panoramic, swing-lens camera on Portra160. Another of my random photos of the back of urban NJ businesses. I liked the yellow pole in the middle bifurcating the scene. I with that there was nothing on the right side, but that’s what was there and I not into making up backgrounds by wholesale Photoshop tools, so this is what I got.

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