A Fall Walk in the Park

Before the winter came, I went out as the fall leaves had just fallen late one weekend afternoon. I wanted to find leaves-on-water and I was not disappointed. I took most of these images with the Olympus EM1-2 and the not-used-so-much 40-150 f/4.0. That lens, which I bought a year or two ago, has been really underused. It’s super compact, so much so that you have to “unlock” it and extend the lens before you can use it. The nice thing is that the lens is internal focusing once extended and super sharp. I used it as a long-distance close-up

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Just shapes

Rented a Fuji X100VI for a week to gauge its suitability for me. The quick answer is Yes and as quick as I can find one without paying a premium, I will get it. It’s a great travel camera. A great family camera. It’s got great customization, maybe too much. But it is undeniable that the image quality is really good. Having only a 35mm lens, like I used to do with my Leica’s, really keeps you from worrying. I really shoot from 24-50 for 90% of my shooting on a M43 12-40/2.8 lens, so it’s not a big stretch

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Urban Detritis

So I don’t have much time these days to take photos, so I just zip around between random errands to local areas before I have to either get home to fix dinner or get to a work call. These photos are from both decayed facilities and what was slated for demolition and redevelopment, the old Sevelle’s Auto Body in Westfield, NJ. As usual, all with the Olympus EM1.2 and the 12-40/2.8

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A Stop at the Canoe Club

Driving by the Cranford Canoe club one afternoon in late November and the shapes of the canoes were calling to me while the leaves were still somewhat alive and fresh fallen. I have had very good results at this local club when they store the canoes for the winter season. This time, it had rained quite a bit and there was an upturned boat with leaves that was pretty neat with the super clear water and leaves that had fallen to the bottom of the water waiting to decompose. I’ll have to come back when there is some snow. All

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Industrial portraits

So you have 5 minutes between running to get presents for the dog and cat and hurrying home to make baked goods for the holidays. AND you forgot your camera. But it snowed 2” and was pretty. But now it really mostly melted so there’s only a tiny bit left. So I pulled out my trusty iPhone and found a few photos. The first one from a local industrial building. The address is 544, LOL. I thought the echos of the numbers between the door front and the mailbox was pretty neat, as was the orange color. Maybe not a

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Beach Pinhole

You go to the beach and try to find a little time away from your family. Pinhole photography and the super portable setup you can have from such a kit is perfect. I brought my RSS 6×6 camera with Kentmere 100 film and a little table-top tripod. Lovely, start compositions abound on an early morning beach. The exposures outside were around 1-2 seconds, as I remember it. Permanent beach umbrella, before the summer beach-goers have arrived. Unmanned lifeguard stand. It says Lifeguard On Duty, but they lied. A pair of children’s teal blue/green Crocs water shoes. I should have shot

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ICM Multi-Exposure in Boston

I’ve tried my hand at ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) for the past year or so and I see the attraction. If you work hard enough, you can get great images, especially when the subject is colorful. This image is probably my favorite of the one image ICM photos I took this year. I paused during the exposure a couple of times, so you see duplication of the fence at the beach BUT….I saw people taking images with in-camera multiple exposure mid year and fell in love with the results. While I love the one-shot, pure ICM images, I longed for

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Canon P and a 24mm at the Pond

So you’re out on an errand on a Saturday with no time to really spend, but you have a film camera with tilm in it and you start looking for a place to take a photo. It was still winter when I took these and I had a 1959 Canon P with the wonderful Chroma 24mm f/11 fixed focus fixed aperture lens. I took a bunch of photos with my favorite Kodak 5222 Double-X and developed it in HC110….actually Legacy Pro LC-110….in Dilution B. The sharpness of this lens is really good, but you do have to have decent light.

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