Construction Equipment

Red and Yellow Pavers

They were paving my street a few weeks ago and on Saturday/Sunday the paving equipment was sitting around, waiting for the Monday crew to use it to actually pave the street. I went out there and there were lots of red, yellow, orange, and asphalt. While not a typical subject, I love the bright colors, hard lines, and interesting contrasts. It also often is great in direct sunlight, unlike many other more typical subjects. These all with my trusty Olympus E-M1 Mk 2 and 12-40/2.8

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Police Barrier Abstracts

I was at the Olympic trials marathon race and at most intersections, the Orlando Police had put these big safety barriers to prevent any rogue from driving onto the course and causing injuries. The barriers had big steel teeth holding them in place and yellow hooks on the cables. I did a bunch of photos, at which time the closest cop walked over and asked me “What are you doing?”. I had a nice conversation with her and there was no incident, but they’re just doing their job and anything that keeps the runners safe is OK in my book

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Construction Art

I have become attracted to something I don’t think many people pay attention to, construction equipment. My family was in the contracting, land development, and building materials industry for all of my childhood. So I was around lots of big equipment, Dozers, Excacators, Frone-End tracked loaders, Lifts, Tractors, Back-Hoes, etc. I have taken to stopping whenever I have time at random construction pieces, almost always between jobs or parked on a weekend. The yellow, orange, or other bright colors are really irresistible to me. Where else can you find such bright colors, strong lines, graphs, geometric shapes, or bold lettering?

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