Small Town ICM
Studies of storefronts in Apalachicola, FL.
I’ve tried my hand at ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) for the past year or so and I see the attraction. If you work hard enough, you can get great images, especially when the subject is colorful. This image is probably my favorite of the one image ICM photos I took this year. I paused during the exposure a couple of times, so you see duplication of the fence at the beach BUT….I saw people taking images with in-camera multiple exposure mid year and fell in love with the results. While I love the one-shot, pure ICM images, I longed for
ICM Multi-Exposure in Boston Full Post »»»»
Red Steps slow exposure. I paused, which probably made the yellow leaves show through. This was the best of about 10 photos. I like those taken with the Olympus EM-1 mk2 better than what you usually get from the iPhone apps, where it often takes a bunch of photos vs holding the shutter open>
I was a rare passenger on the interstate in Sacramento attending the California International Marathon and was able to tune my long exposure and technique. This was 3 sec at 1/16 at ISO 800 on my Olympus E-M1. I really liked this one. I probably took 30-40 shots and these were the best 3.
Nighttime traffic lights Full Post »»»»
I was in the St. Louis airport waiting for a plane to depart and had some time to kill. I thought that maybe I could do some Intentional Camera Movement photos with my iPhone14Pro. I used the Lightroom mobile app and was fairly happy with the final results…..except. 1. You can’t vary the aperture, only the shutter speed and the ISO. This meant that my photos were about 4-5 stops over exposed. The Apple RAW format allowed me to extract detail, but it wasn’t pretty.2. I need to order a clip-on ND filter 3. I need to take my Olympus
ICM Carpet – STL Full Post »»»»
Number 2 taken out the window of a New York City taxi. Again, I love the colors and abstract nature.
Taken out the window of a New York City taxi. Love the colors and abstract nature. I need to do more of this.