Went to one of my favorite, non-urban places in town, the old cemetery on the north side of town. In the back, there are lots of very old trees and graves from the early 1900’s. There is this one particular gigantic Live Oak that is in the back that towered over the pathway. This is a 3 shot stitch and required quite a bit of straightening to get it right. It’s at least 60 feet wide, I would expect.
The second photo is of an old concrete block building that is long abandoned sitting right next to a dept of pubic works facility. I have several good photos taken this day but with this day being overcast, the light was great to both illuminate the subtle gray outside and show nature reclaiming the inside. I love seeing nature on both the outside and inside at the same time. There is no roof, so the plants are free to soak up the copious rain.
All taken with my trusty Olympus E-M1 mkII. A great deal from KEH for <$600 with only 4,000 actuations. Best camera for me for the money. If I want another body (which I don’t), I’d buy a used MkIII, rather than an OM-1. I just don’t need the newer stuff. I use an old E-M5 mk1 as my IR camera and have my original 2012 E-M5 mk1 as my backup. It was nice to have them both with the exact same layout and controls for shooting. The EM-1’s controls are far superior, but I do like the EM-5’s flip-up screen vs. the EM-1’s flip-out and twist screen. The one advantage of the EM-1’s screen is that you can turn it around so you don’t see it, IMO.