The Rahway River flows through Cranford NJ and there are a bunch of places in that and surrounding towns to walk by and over the river. Unfortunately, this also means that the houses along the river are prone to flooding, sometimes severe. But for the rest of us, it’s a nice little, meandering park that offers lots of opportunities for photos and contemplation. I found a bridge over the river on the south side of Cranford one day (there will be another photo of that bridge( and walked out to see a gentleman fly fishing in the river.
I thought, boy this would a great photo. I took a couple of with my E-M1.2, but they just were flat. I then thought maybe an Infrared photo would be better. A usual, I had my 590nm Super Color converted Olympus E-M5 Mk1 with me. I whipped that puppy out and took a bunch of photos. After processing, channel swapping, etc, I thought that the pink foliage was the most attractive presentation, especially with the blue water. I wasn’t a giant fan of the blown-out highlights, but I couldn’t do a lot with them, although I toned them down a lot. Also, in the shadows the tree trunks and the ground had this odd pink tint that I didn’t like. So I went through all those spots and desaturated and darkened them all to make a more normal presentation. Otherwise the trees would have all been dark pink, which just looked like I had put a pink filter on.
In the end, this was the result and the one I liked. It was accepted in the Mayo Performang Arts Center in Morristown until 9/16/23 in a show put on by The New Jersey Photography Forum called “COLORIFIC”