Went outside to see a lovely bush of Pink/Orange miniature rose bush that I have. It just started blooming last week and probably has 100 blooms on it. I took a few “normal” rose shots of the pretty flowers but wanted something different and I did not have a lot of time. So I took my iPhone and shot up at the sky from underneath the roses. It was too dark, of course, with the iPhone. And I just didn’t have the time to run back inside and get my “real” camera and take what I had envisioned. So I just took what I could and thought “Let’s see what I can do. Pulled it into Lighroom, adjusted the brightness, which expectedly blew out the sky…..which was what I wanted. Then took it into Photoshop Beta and used the new Generative Fill to remove a couple of errant leaves/buds that disturbed the composition. Here is the result. Pretty nice, if I do say so.