I’ve always loved urban shadow photos, but recently attended a talk with David S Wells, a well-known photographer from Rhode Island and he discussed and illustrated many of his now-famous vintage photography of urban shadow work, mostly from Philadelphia.
I was in Hartford, CT for the Hartford Marathon (viewing, not running) and needed a bit of a diversion as we waiting the very boring time for our daughter to finish. So I started wondering around and found several neat photos that will definitely become part of my portfolio.
The first was a neat image of a fire hydrant and the surrounding shadows. I really like the old Tangled-FX plugin on my iPad which I think did a great job here with this one. I did the image in BW first, then applied the Tangled-FX app, then pulled both back into Snapeed to adjust the opacity of the effect and tone it a bit with brown.

The next one was of a tree grate (no tree though) with incoming shadows and shafts of sunlight.