These two images are both taken at the same place, an invitation-only wrecking yars with thousands of pieces of old, rusty stuff. Cars, Airplanes, Helicopters, it’s all there. These two were taken with my trusty Olymus E-M5 Mk1 that is a 2012 vintage camera. Yes, it’s old Yes, the buttons are fiddly as a first-generation product, but it still produces spectacular images with careful planning. I have two, one is a permanent spare and the other converted to 590nm Super-Color infrared. I have not used the spare E-M5 since I put it in my case and I’m toying with changing it to a “full spectrum camera”. Should I? If I went on a realy photo trip, I would want a spare. Maybe I’ll convert the E-M5 so that my two converted cameras are the same. Then buy a spare, used E-M1.2 or .3.
I think that IR is a great tool for this venue. Gritty. And I love the light streaming through the trees. It took some editing to get this, but it wasn’t hard.