Got a Lomo LCA-120 camera a couple of months ago and have been really having a fun time with it. In case someone doesn’t know, it’s a point-and-shoot 120 camera with an autoexposure aperture and shutter speed, 4-position scale focus, and an ultra wide angle 38mm lens (equal to a 21mm on 35mm film). Not super sharp on the edges, but a lot better than a Holga. Super-expensive for what it is at around $400, but the only alternatives are a Hasselblad SWC at $3k or a 3D-printed camera, and the closest you can get is probably a 47mm Angulon. On thinking about it, you could probably also adapt a 35mm Perspective-Control lens, as some of them have sufficient image circles to cover 6×6.
Most big makers have a 35mm PC lens and a couple have wider. Nikon made a 28mm PC. Olympus made the now-expensive 24mm PC, which is equal to an 18mm FOV. You need something that has at least an 85mm image circle to cover 6×6.
For me, I don’t have time to fiddle with that and the LCA is a great alternative. I find that the finder is bad, but I also have a solution for that that I’ll post soon
All these photos on Double XX shot at ISO 200 and developed in HC1110 Dil B for 5 min.