Just shapes

Rented a Fuji X100VI for a week to gauge its suitability for me. The quick answer is Yes and as quick as I can find one without paying a premium, I will get it. It’s a great travel camera. A great family camera. It’s got great customization, maybe too much. But it is undeniable that the image quality is really good. Having only a 35mm lens, like I used to do with my Leica’s, really keeps you from worrying. I really shoot from 24-50 for 90% of my shooting on a M43 12-40/2.8 lens, so it’s not a big stretch to buy a 35mm fixed lens camera.

The images below were a few of my favorites during a weekend where I had the camera.

The first image was an underpass in Hoboken NJ and I love the symmetry.

The 2nd and 3rd images were in front of a restaurant. I love the colors. Maybe I should have spent a bit more time with the table/chairs, but it wasn’t go be, as I had family commitments.

The 4th image is a bit if a mystery when you look at it. It’s actually the roof of a school bus that shuttled us to a college football game. Most of us don’t remember what the ceiling of a school bus looked like, but this is it.

The last one s the ever-present-in-NJ red safety anti-slip pad at a corner in Hoboken. Someone had dragged something along the pad and my thought was “what was on that?”.

The camera is definitely over-priced. It should be $900 and not $1700. But it isn’t. And it’s very good.

More to come.

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