So you have 5 minutes between running to get presents for the dog and cat and hurrying home to make baked goods for the holidays. AND you forgot your camera. But it snowed 2” and was pretty. But now it really mostly melted so there’s only a tiny bit left. So I pulled out my trusty iPhone and found a few photos.
The first one from a local industrial building. The address is 544, LOL. I thought the echos of the numbers between the door front and the mailbox was pretty neat, as was the orange color. Maybe not a prize winner, but pretty good nonetheless.
These red street safety patches are all over the place and nobody ever pays them much attention. With the right light and some hunting, I will bet there are photos to be had with them. This one had some residual snow on it, but I was too late to really get the photo I would have wanted. This will be on the list of subjects.
Of course there are gas meters everywhere and every single commercial meter has concrete-filled poles protecting them from some idiot backing into them and causing a gas explosion. Often they are painted interesting colors and have some interesting surrounding detritus. These were pale pink, probably faded from a brighter reddish color years ago. I’ll have to come back to this one another day with a “real camera”.